AIOU Code 406 Economics Of Pakistan Solved Assignments Spring And Autumn

AIOU Code 406 Economics Of Pakistan Solved Assignments Spring And Autumn

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علامہ اقبال اوپن یونیورسٹی کی ہاتھ سے لکھی ہوِئی حل شدہ مشقیں حاصل کرنے کے لیے رابطہ کریں

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Autumn Spring
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Important Questions For Exam
Q # Question
1 Write a brief note on the Economic Development and Development gap.
2 Discuss the role of socio-economic factors in the growth of an economy.
3 Briefly discuss the problems of the agriculture system in Pakistan.
4 Illustrate the different measures to solve the problems of food security in Pakistan.
5 Describe the role of government for the social welfare in Pakistan.
6 Briefly explain the main problem of the industrial system in Pakistan.
7 Discuss the issues of labour force and their remedies.
8 Describe the role of the agricultural sector in the economic growth of Pakistan.
9 Explain the main reason for the disturbance of the balance of payment in Pakistan.
10 Write a brief not on budget and explain its different types.
11 Describe the features of the Columbo Plan and also describe comparatively the efforts of the first and second five-year plans for industrial development.
12 Write a note on the problems and its remedies of labour unions.
13 Discuss the evaluation of labour union movement in Pakistan.
14 Explain the importance of foreign trade and also write a note on the situation and different aspects of balance of payment of Pakistan.
15 Explain the introduction of the market system of Pakistan and write a note on the market of commodities and factors of production.
16 Write a note on the banking system in Pakistan.
17 What is meant by monetary policy, in addition, write a comprehensive note on objectives and measures of monetary policy
18 What is meant by the monetary framework, comprehensively describes the objectives, measures, and limitations of the monetary policy of Pakistan.
19 Discuss the role of technology in the development of our country, and evaluate the government measures for the improvement of modern technology in Pakistan.
20 Write a comprehensive note on the budget.
21 Write a detailed note on the economic performance during the second and third decades in Pakistan.