AIOU Face To Face Component 3600 10 Observation Reports Download PDF

AIOU Face To Face Component 3600 10 Observation Reports Download PDF

Observation Report 1

AIOU Face To Face Component 3600 10 Observation Reports Download PDF Name of Trainee Teacher: Zawar Ali………

Name of School: ………………………

Name of Class:  ……………………………..

Name of Class Teacher: …………………..

Below is a report was written while observing a special classroom at ………school, district……..

Teacher Observation Report

Part I: Observation

  1. Review the portfolio requirements for Special Education (SE)
  2. Begin reading text for SE
  3. Draft welcome letter and have teacher approve.
  4. Transition thinking from an elementary classroom teacher to thinking like a special education teacher.
  • Review student teacher’s introduction.
  • Review the student-teacher handbook.
  • Provide resources and an overview of the curriculum for the next 10 weeks.
  • Provide access of school’s teacher handbook to student teacher
  • Review the student-teacher handbook and student-teacher notebook assignments.
  • Review student-teacher folder, application, and placement information.
  • Set up meetings between student-teacher and classroom teacher(s).

Part II: Reflection

AIOU Face To Face Component 3600 10 Observation Reports Download PDF I picked up so many teaching methods while observing Mr. …………… I loved how He had little note cards with each student’s name and would flip from card to card after each question, giving every student a chance to participate and ensuring participation. He also had a different student every morning to lead the morning exercise. He later explained that this was to wake the students up and get their blood going in participation of special learning. I thought this was a unique and clever way to keep the students active and ready for enthusiasm to teach. I loved the environment of the school. As I walked down, whether coming or leaving, a number of staff always smiled or said good morning, and meant it. The students had smiles on their faces and it was clear that they came to school every morning. The experience has truly opened my eyes and made me realize that teaching really is what I would like to do for the rest of my life. To see children, finally, have something click in their heads or smile when you tell them they answered the question correctly makes all the hard times worth it. 

Observation Report 2

Name of Trainee Teacher: ……Zawar Ali……

Name of School: ………………………

Name of Class:  ……………………………..

Name of Class Teacher: …………………..

Below is a report wrote while observing a special classroom at ………school, district……..

Teacher Observation Report

Part I: Observation

  1. Review students’ IEPs discuss goals and objectives for each student to be monitored weekly
  2. Plan for and discuss participating in an upcoming IEP meeting,
  3. Observe and interact with the students
  4. Meet with co-teachers (determine responsibilities and plan for the placement)
  5. Become acquainted with classroom, students, routines, procedures.
  6. Show your teacher the portfolio requirements.

Contact supervisor re: questions

AIOU Face To Face Component 3600 10 Observation Reports Download PDF

  1. Begin work on portfolio assignments
  2. Complete worksheet on People to Meet, Classroom Procedures
  3. Send weekly reflection/schedule and daily journaling to supervisor.
  • Model and include the student-teacher in teaching activities, routines, procedures.
  • Provide feedback to student teacher
  • Help student teachers complete assignments
  • Have the student-teacher show you the portfolio assignments
  • Plan out the ten-week student teaching experience
  • Fill out the stipend form, seal it in an envelope and give it to the supervisor.
  • Meet with the teacher(s) and student-teacher.
  • Complete initial meeting form
  • Talk through the 10-week placement.
  • Provide teachers with the Stipend form, have them complete it, seal it in the envelope and then mail it or drop it off at the respective SOE office.
  • Review weekly reports/schedules and daily journals with a student-teacher
  • Make yourself available to the teacher and student-teacher (email, phone calls).

Part II: Reflection

I believe that overall, this was a great experience. I honestly could not have been happier with how well my observations of Mr. ……….’s special classroom went. I would strongly recommend him to interested students looking for somewhere to learn the ways of teaching. Not only He was strong academically, but also you could tell He had an interest passion for making sure each and every one of his students learned at least something in class every day. Not only was He strong, but patient as well.

AIOU Face To Face Component 3600 10 Observation Reports Download PDF

Observation Report 3

Name of Trainee Teacher: …… Zawar Ali ……

Name of School: ………………………

Name of Class:  ……………………………..

Name of Class Teacher: …………………..

Below is a report was written while observing a special classroom at ………school, district……..

Teacher Observation Report

Part I: Observation

  1. Know the names of all students.
  2. Continue assisting with classroom duties.
  3. Work with the special education and classroom teachers on the next week’s lesson plans
  4. Monitor student progress (goals/objectives)
  • Add more special education teacher responsibilities (aim at full involvement by weeks 3-5).
  • Prepare for and/or participate in IEP meetings

Continue working on portfolio assignments

  • Assessment Summary
  • Lesson Plans/Instruction
  • Send weekly reflection/schedule and daily journaling to supervisor (Sunday 6 PM)
  • Model and prepare student teachers to take over responsibilities by weeks 3-5
  • Provide feedback to student teacher
  • Help student teachers complete assignments
  • Have the student-teacher show you the portfolio assignments
  • Plan out the ten-week student teaching experience

Fill out the stipend form, seal it in an envelope and give it to the supervisor.

  • Review weekly reports/schedules and daily journals.
  • Make yourself available to the teacher and student-teacher (email, phone calls).
  • Make first student-teacher observation visit (Week 3)

Part II: Reflection

I picked up so many teaching methods while observing and I loved how He had little note cards with each student’s name and would flip from card to card after each question, giving every student a chance to participate and ensuring participation. He also had a different student every morning to lead the morning exercise. He later explained that this was to wake the students up and get their blood going in participation in special learning. I thought this was a unique and clever way to keep the students active and ready for enthusiasm to teach. I loved the environment of the school.

AIOU Face To Face Component 3600 10 Observation Reports Download PDF

Observation Report 4

Name of Trainee Teacher: …… Zawar Ali ……

Name of School: ………………………

Name of Class:  ……………………………..

Name of Class Teacher: …………………..

Below is a report was written while observing a special classroom at ………school, district……..

Teacher Observation Report

Part I: Observation

 Take over full control of classroom responsibilities with the assistance of teacher(s).

 Work with the special education and classroom teachers on the next week’s lesson plans

 Monitor student progress (goals/objectives)

 Prepare for and/or participate (lead) IEP meetings

 Contact supervisor with any questions or concerns.

Continue working on portfolio assignments

 Develop unit & implement

 Target social behavior & interventions

 Measure behaviors

 Continue to phase in responsibilities

 Assume total instruction (Week 5)

Send weekly reflection/schedule and daily journaling to supervisor (Sunday 6 PM). Complete midterm evaluation on self and share with teacher and supervisor (Week 5)

–  Monitor student teachers’ progress and provide feedback.

–  Help student teachers complete assignments

  • Complete Midterm Evaluation and conference with student-teacher (Week 5)

  • Make second student teacher observation visit (Week 5)

  • Conference with the teacher and student-teacher over your observation (student signs and dates form).

 Review weekly reports/schedules and daily journals.

  • Make yourself available to the teacher and student-teacher (email, phone calls).

–  Complete Midterm Evaluation and conference with student-teacher (Week 5)

Part II: Reflection

As I walked down, whether coming or leaving, a number of staff always smiled or said good morning, and meant it. The students had smiles on their faces and it was clear that they came to school every morning. The experience has truly opened my eyes and made me realize that teaching really is what I would like to do for the rest of my life. To see children, finally, have something click in their heads or smile when you tell them they answered the question correctly makes all the hard times worth it. Although I’m sure, it will be a lot of work, I have no doubt in my mind that molding young minds is the right path for me.

Observation Report 5

Name of Trainee Teacher: ……… Zawar Ali.

Name of School: ………………………

Name of Class:  ……………………………..

Name of Class Teacher: …………………..

Below is a report was written while observing a special classroom at ………school, district……..

Teacher Observation Report

Part I: Observation

Work toward the improvement of goals set by the Midterm Evaluation

Continue with full control of classroom responsibilities with the assistance of teacher(s)

Work with the special education and classroom teachers on the next week’s lesson plans

Monitor student progress (goals/objectives)

Prepare for and/or participate (lead) IEP meetings

Contact supervisor with any questions or concerns.

–  Continue working on portfolio assignments

Continue instruction

Participate in an IEP

Participate in a Parent-Teacher Conference

Write behavior change report

–  Send weekly reflection/schedule and daily journaling to supervisor (Sunday 6 PM)

–  Monitor student teachers’ progress and provide feedback.

–  Help student teachers complete assignments

  • Complete Lesson Evaluation and conference with student-teacher (Week 7-9)

  • Make third and fourth student teacher observation visits (Week 7 & 9)

  • Conference with the teacher and student-teacher over your observation (student signs and dates form).

Review weekly reports/schedules and daily journals.

  • Make yourself available to the teacher and student-teacher (email, phone calls).

Part II: Reflection

I believe that most of the lessons, learning activities, and assessments can be effectively differentiated in the classroom if the school district provides workshops and designates specific times for the teachers to develop the lessons, activities, and assessments. It is not an easy task to differentiate instruction and create new lessons, assessments, and activities while you have students with different disabilities and paperwork that needs to be submitted daily. For instance, I have classes of forty students and it is very difficult for me to reach all students and help them meet their needs. I have experienced that it takes many days to create an effective curriculum that differentiates instruction for all students with special needs.
I have experienced that when teachers provide accommodations and modify assessments for students with disabilities, students feel more comfortable because they are learning in an environment where they feel welcomed and valued.

Observation Report 6

Name of Trainee Teacher: …… Zawar Ali ……

Name of School: ………………………

Name of Class:  ……………………………..

Name of Class Teacher: …………………..

Below is a report was written while observing a special classroom at ………school, district……..

Teacher Observation Report

Part I: Observation

  • Begin phasing out of teaching responsibilities

  • Continue to assist special education teacher

  • Visit and observe other special education classrooms/settings in the school/district

–  Complete portfolio assignments

 Complete professional development plan

–  Send weekly reflection/schedule and daily journaling to supervisor (Sunday 6 PM)

  • Complete final evaluation on student-teacher. Make recommendations for certification.

  • Conference with student-teacher on the final evaluation.

  • Provide the student with a letter of recommendation.

  • Complete Final Evaluation on student-teacher. Make recommendations for certification. Conference with student-teacher on the final evaluation.

  • Provide the student with a letter of recommendation.

  • Complete the Professional Folder checklist and include all required information, including the final expense report.  Mail or drop off at respective SOE office immediately.

Part II: Reflection

It is very essential for all teachers to modify and accommodate instruction only for students with the most significant disabilities. That is exactly true because I believe that most students with significant disabilities in my classroom will only be successful if I accommodate and modify assignments and assessments that meet their needs. For instance, in my classroom, some accommodations that I provide are extra time and one-to-one instruction. I have an experience that some students with special needs maximize their learning if the teacher works with them using one-to-one instruction. I have also experienced that if the teacher provides extra time for students with special needs, they tend to analyze the problems more carefully.

Observation Report 7

Name of Trainee Teacher: …… Zawar Ali ……

Name of School: ………………………

Name of Class:  ……………………………..

Name of Class Teacher: …………………..

Below is a report wrote while observing a special classroom at ………school, district……..

Teacher Observation Report

Part I: Observation

  • Review student teacher’s introduction.
  • Review the student-teacher handbook.
  • Provide resources and an overview of the curriculum for the next 10 weeks.
  • Provide access of school’s teacher handbook to student teacher
  • Review the student-teacher handbook and student-teacher notebook assignments.
  • Review student-teacher folder, application, and placement information.
  • Set up meetings between student-teacher and classroom teacher(s).
  • Send weekly reflection/schedule and daily journaling to supervisor (Sunday 6 PM)
  • Model and prepare student teachers to take over responsibilities by weeks 3-5
  • Provide feedback to student teacher
  • Help student teachers complete assignments
  • Have the student-teacher show you the portfolio assignments

Part II: Reflection

In order to establish a learning environment and maximize the learning of all students in my classroom, I implement specific steps for effective instruction and make accommodations to meet the need of my students with special needs. The seven steps for differentiating instruction for students with special needs are identifying classroom demands, weaknesses and areas of student success, potential problems, and ways to differentiate instruction and evaluate student progress. Reading about this strategy, gave me more ideas on how to help my students meet their needs and make sure they are successful. I came to the conclusion that this approach seems very similar to the way I teach in my classroom. For instance, when I am about to start a lesson, I focus on identifying the classroom demands such as classroom management and instructional material to establish an effective learning environment.

Observation Report 8

Name of Trainee Teacher: …… Zawar Ali ……

Name of School: ………………………

Name of Class:  ……………………………..

Name of Class Teacher: …………………..

Below is a report wrote while observing a special classroom at ………school, district……..

Teacher Observation Report

Part I: Observation

There are pictures of color, shapes, Braille letters, vegetables, animals’ objects, and numbers. There are pictures of animals at desks and animals reading and writing. This is supposed to provide a fun twist on special learning for students. I also noticed there was a schedule onboard showing allocated time for each subject and calendar with current and the previous dates flipped over. Also on the board is a “Discipline tracker” as He calls it. It consisted of 3 Plates: one red, one yellow, and one green. This will be explained later. The special classroom was also divided into 3 spaces: the teacher’s desk, the student’s desk, and the reading corner. Overall, the special classroom environment was very homey. He stated the class every morning with him reading lesson Mr. ……… walked over to his chair, sat down and called the children over and told them to all sit as “Indian style”. After every child was seated with their hands in their lap, Mr. ……… began explaining what story He would read to the class the morning. As He read, He used group altering by periodically asking the students questions pertaining to the characters or the words in the story. Such as which word rhyme in this sentence? Or what is the feeling word? This made the engaged time with the students last longer since they knew they would be asked to answer. After reading the lesson, He would then tell the kids to disperse into their groups and tell them what corners to go to. ………later explained that the kids were grouped based on their scores from a test given at the beginning of the year. This way, He knew He would have to work longer with a certain group or not as long with another based on how much they previously knew. The kids then either went to the computer corner, the teacher’s aide, or to work with Mr. ……….. At each corner, the children worked on word identification, reading, phonics, and spelling. The children who needed the help more worked While Mr. ………… was teaching the individual groups, I noticed how often He would have to talk time away from his teaching to discipline the other kids. It seemed almost ridiculous how often He would have to stop to make sure nobody was talking, being disruptive, or not doing their work. I felt upset for those kids who wanted to learn but could not because ………was playing policeman. This showed me how much time really goes into non-instructional activities. If any of the disruptions ever got out of control beyond a warning, then He would use the discipline tracker. He would move a cloth spine with the student’s name from green to yellow.

Part II: Reflection

Having fifteen kids running around a room cannot be easy for anyone. Yet He handled it with grace and poise. I picked up so many teaching methods while observing Mr. ……….. I loved how He had little note cards with each student’s name and would flip from card to card after each question, giving every student a chance to participate and ensuring participation. He also had a different student every morning to lead the morning exercise. He later explained that this was to wake the students up and get their blood going in participation f special learning. I thought this was a unique and clever way to keep the students active and ready for enthusiasm to teach. I loved the environment of the school. As I walked down, whether coming or leaving, a number of staff always smiled or said good morning, and meant it. The students had smiles on their faces and it was clear that they came to school every morning. The experience has truly opened my eyes and made me realize that teaching really is what I would like to do for the rest of my life.

Observation Report 9

Name of Trainee Teacher: …… Zawar Ali ……

Name of School: ……………………..

Name of Class: ………………….

Name of Class Teacher: ………………….

Below is a report wrote while observing a special classroom at ……………… School, district …………

Teacher Observation Report

Part I: Observation

For my teacher observation, I reached the school sharp at 08:30 AM. Due to COVID-19, the school assembly was postponed. All students, teachers, and other staff wear masks. Temperature also checks on the school gate. Due to my familiarity with school staff, I feel very comfortable interacting with them. Due to COVID-19, I maintain social distance with staff and students. After walking into the special classroom, you immediately feel welcome. On the floor is a doormat full of color. The rug says welcome and makes you feel just that. On the wall, there are a number of pictures that encourage special learning? There are pictures of color, shapes, Braille letters, vegetables, animals’ objects, and numbers. There are pictures of animals at desks and animals reading and writing. This is supposed to provide a fun twist on special learning for students. I also noticed there was a schedule onboard showing allocated time for each subject and calendar with current and previous dates flipped over. Also on the board is a “Discipline tracker” as He calls it. It consisted of 3 Plates: one red, one yellow, and one green. This will be explained later. The special classroom was also divided into 3 spaces: the teacher’s desk, the student’s desk, and the reading corner. Overall, the special classroom environment was very homey. He stated the class every morning with him reading lesson Mr. ……… walked over to his chair, sat down and called the children over and told them to all sit as “Indian style”. After every child was seated with their hands in their lap, Mr. ……… began explaining what story He would read to the class the morning. As He read, He used group altering by periodically asking the students questions pertaining to the characters or the words in the story. Such as which word rhyme in this sentence? Or what is the feeling word? This made the engaged time with the students last longer since they knew they would be asked to answer. After reading the lesson, He would then tell the kids to disperse into their groups and tell them what corners to go to. ………later explained that the kids were grouped based on their scores from a test given at the beginning of the year. This way, He knew He would have to work longer with a certain group or not as long with another based on how much they previously knew. The kids then either went to the computer corner, the teacher’s aide, or to work with Mr. ……….. At each corner, the children worked on word identification, reading, phonics, and spelling. The children who needed the help more worked While Mr. ………… was teaching the individual groups, I noticed how often He would have to talk time away from his teaching to discipline the other kids. It seemed almost ridiculous how often He would have to stop to make sure nobody was talking, being disruptive, or not doing their work. I felt upset for those kids who wanted to learn but could not because ………was playing policeman. This showed me how much time really goes into non-instructional activities. If any of the disruptions ever got out of control beyond a warning, then He would use the discipline tracker. He would move a cloth spine with the student’s name from green to yellow. This meant that the student did not get a sticker at the end of the day although it seems petty to an adult that sticker meant the world to the child and the student’s behavior automatically improved. I had to pray my mentor on this eye thought it was an annotative way of teaching the students good behavior through a reward system. The school environment was very clean and well maintained. The bathrooms were also spotless. The staff and students alike seem to really enjoy the school and the environment around them. There is no better place to learn than somewhere you are comfortable.

Part II: Reflection

I believe that overall, this was a great experience. I honestly could not have been happier with how well my observations of Mr. ……… special classroom went. I would strongly recommend his to an interested students looking for somewhere to learn the ways of teaching. Not only He was strong academically, but also you could tell He had an interest passion for making sure each and every one of his students learned at least something in class every day. Not only was He strong, but patient as well. Having fifteen kids running around a room cannot be easy for anyone. Yet He handled it with grace and poise. I picked up so many teaching methods while observing Mr. ……….. I loved how He had little note
cards with each student’s name and would flip from card to card after each question, giving every student a chance to participate and ensuring participation. He also had a different student every morning to lead the morning exercise. He later explained that this was to wake the students up and get their blood going in participation f special learning. I thought this was a unique and clever way to keep the students active and ready for enthusiasm to teach. I loved the environment of the school. As I walked down, whether coming or leaving, a number of staff always smiled or said good morning, and meant it. The students had smiles on their faces and it was clear that they came to school every morning. The experience has truly opened my eyes and made me realize that teaching really is what I would like to do for the rest of my life. To see children, finally have something click in their heads or smile when you tell them they answered the question correctly makes all the hard times
worth it. Although I’m sure, it will be a lot of work, I have no doubt in my mind that molding young minds is the right path for me.

 Observation Report 10

Name of Trainee Teacher: …… Zawar Ali ……

Name of School: ………………………

Name of Class:  ……………………………..

Name of Class Teacher: …………………..

Below is a report wrote while observing a special classroom at ………school, district……..

Teacher Observation Report

Part I: Observation

For my teacher observation, I reached the school sharp at 08:30 AM. Due to COVID-19, the school assembly was postponed. All students, teachers, and other staff wear masks. Temperature also checks on the school gate. Due to my familiarity with school staff, I feel very comfortable interacting with them. Due to COVID-19, I maintain social distance with staff and students. After walking into the special classroom, you immediately feel welcome. On the floor is a doormat full of color. The rug says welcome and makes you feel just that. On the wall, there are a number of pictures that encourage special learning. There are pictures of color, shapes, Braille letters, vegetables, animals’ objects, and numbers. There are pictures of animals at desks and animals reading and writing. This is supposed to provide a fun twist on special learning for students. I also noticed there was a schedule onboard showing allocated time for each subject and calendar with current and the previous dates flipped over. Also on
the board is a “Discipline tracker” as He calls it. It consisted of 3 Plates: one red, one yellow, and one green. This will be explained later. The special classroom was also divided into 3 spaces: the teacher’s desk, the student’s desk, and the reading corner. Overall, the special classroom environment was very homey. He started the class every morning with his reading lesson. ………walked over to his chair, sat down and called the children over, and told them to all sit as “Indian style”. After every child was seated with their hands in their lap, ……… began explaining what would He is going to teach the class. As He read, He used group altering by periodically asking the students questions pertaining to the characters or the words in the story. He then draws the picture of clocks to tell the students. This made the engaged time with the students last longer since they knew they would be asked to answer. After reading the lesson, He would then tell the students to disperse into their groups and tell them to draw a clock without writing the time then He randomly give these chits to the students and ask the students to write the time. The school environment was very clean and well maintained. The bathrooms were also spotless. The staff and students alike seem to really enjoy the school and the environment around them. There is no better place to learn than somewhere you are comfortable.

Part II: Reflection

I believe that overall, this was a great experience. I honestly could not have been happier with how well my observations of Mr. ……….’s special classroom went. I would strongly recommend him to interested students looking for somewhere to learn the ways of teaching. Not only He was strong academically, but also you could tell He had an interest passion for making sure each and every one of his students learned at least something in class every day. Not only was He strong, but patient as well. Having fifteen kids running around a room cannot be easy for anyone. Yet He handled it with grace and poise. I picked up so many teaching methods while observing Mr. …………… I loved how He had little note cards with each student’s name and would flip from card to card after each question, giving every student a chance to participate and ensuring participation. He also had a different student every morning to lead the morning exercise. He later explained that this was to wake the students up and get their blood going in participation in special learning. I thought this was a unique and clever way to keep the students active and ready for enthusiasm to teach. I loved the environment of the school. As I walked down, whether coming or leaving, a number of staff always smiled or said good morning, and meant it. The students had smiles on their faces and it was clear that they came to school every morning. The experience has truly opened my eyes and made me realize that teaching really is what I would like to do for the rest of my life. To see children, finally have something click in their heads or smile when you tell them they answered the question correctly makes all the hard times worth it. Although I’m sure, it will be a lot of work, I have no doubt in my mind that molding young minds is the right path for me.