English Mcqs Test Online Preparation With Solved Answers

English Mcqs Test Online Preparation With Solved Answers

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Making a show of being morally superior to other people is called__________?
A. Selflessness
B. Over confidence
C. Sanctimonious
D. None of the above
Synonym of BRISKLY is _____________?
Synonym of Paucity is _____________?
A. Presence
B. Poverty
C. Scarcity
D. None of these
The stretcher bond in brick masonry can be used only when the thickness of wall is____?
A. 90 mm
B. 190 mm
C. 180 mm
D. 280 mm
The name of a person, thing is called______?
A. Noun
B. Pronoun
C. Verb
D. Adjective
The traitors should be shot dead.
A. They should have shot the traitors dead.
B. They shall shoot the traitors dead.
C. They should shoot the traitors dead.
D. They shot the traitors dead.
Haroon was a king. Here *King* is______?
A. Common Noun
B. Abstract Noun
C. Material Noun
D. Proper Noun
Synonym of “DOWNTURN” is__________?
A. Spurt
B. Plunge
C. Upsurge
D. Repulsion
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Synonym of “PREVALENCE” is____________?
A. Currency
B. Magnitude
C. Impediment
D. Bounds
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Synonym of “POPULOUS” is __________?
A. Uninhibited
B. Latent
C. Reserved
D. Heaving
The synonyms of FOSTERING is ____________?
A. Safeguarding
B. Neglecting
C. Ignoring
D. Nurturing
An Error in Printing or writing_____?
A. Flaw
B. Erratum
C. Elixir
D. Pangaea
One who knows everything?
A. Acquiescent
B. Ubiquitous
C. Omnipresent
D. Omniscient
An abandoned child of unknown parents who is found by somebody____?
A. Foundling
B. Siblings
C. Urchin
D. Orphan
Parts of a country behind the coast or a river’s banks:
A. Swamps
B. Hinterland
C. Isthmuses
D. None of these
A group of giraffe is known as:__________?
A. Tower
B. Herd
C. Flock
D. None of these
The teacher cautioned me _________ my spelling.
A. For
B. Against
C. At
D. On
I________my friend will die soon.
A. Hope
B. Fear
C. Expect
D. No Appropriate Option
Idiom “Star Crossed” is__________?
A. Unlucky
B. Lucky
C. Hard worker
D. None of these
The train went _________ the tunnel.
A. from
B. under
C. through
D. to
A hundred rupees ______ all that he wants.
A. was
B. Were
C. Is
D. Are
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Choose the nearest meaning of the word “Lax”.
A. Anger
B. Negligent
C. Deny
D. None of these
Choose the Antonyms of Array:
A. disarrange
B. Agonistic
C. Vitriolic
D. Decorate
Choose the meaning of idiom: “To break a lance with”.
A. To entertain friends
B. To fail or to miscarry
C. To engage in a competition 
D. Get up to be involved in something
The Synonymous of “Delineate” is:_________?
A. Dissemble
B. Intimate
C. Representative
D. Outline
Choose the Synonymous of “Novice”:
A. Unaware
B. experienced
C. Lively
D. None of these
Choose the correct Synonymous of “Quenching”?
A. Assuage
B. Scrawny
C. Lament
D. Insincerity
Choose the correct meaning of idiom ” between sylla and charybids”
A. Between two great difficulties
B. Between two great opportunities
C. In a confused situation
D. None of these
choose the correct meaning of idiom ” Leave in the Lurch” :
A. A difficult situation
B. To meet suddenly with someone
C. To leave someone in difficulty 
D. To assist someone in adverse circumstances
choose the right meaning of idiom ” In the blue funk ” :
A. To get rid off
B. In a state of terror
C. To be against person wishes
D. To make a challenge.
Choose the correct meaning of idiom ” Play ones card right”:
A. To do something risky
B. To get benefit of the opportunity
C. Change the parties
D. Being to improve
choose the correct meaning of idiom ” peddle one’s own canoe:
A. A person with good behaviour
B. To solve one’s own issues without any help
C. To have aims & desires suitable to circumstances
D. To be successful
Choose the correct meaning of idiom ” Spill the beans______ :
A. Become uncertain about something
B. To avoid from someone
C. To reveal the Secrets
D. Something difficult to accept
Choose the correct meaning of idiom “Champing at the bit__________?
A. Something difficult to accept
B. Extremely Impatient
C. A pessimistic Person
D. None of these
Idiom ” As the Crow flies ” means:___________?
A. In a indirect way
B. The impossible task
C. In a direct & straight way
D. None of these
Synonymous of Morbid is _________ ?
A. Cheerful
B. Cimmerian 
C. Refute
D. None of these
The jug is full ____ milk?
A. of
B. about
C. by
D. with
Fortnight Means?
A. 14 days
B. 18 days
C. 20 days
D. 22 days
He said to me, “I expect you to attend the function.”
A. He told me that he had expected me to attend the function.
B. He told me that he expected me to attended the function.
C. He told me that he expected me to have attended the function.
D. He told me that he expected me to attend the function.
choose the correct meaning of idiom “The birds & the bees________ :
A. Depression and low spirits
B. Remain undecided & uncomplete
C. Do favors for getting favors
D. Basic information about se*ual behaviour in humans
Synonym of INNUENDO is _____________?
A. Implication
B. Verification
C. Harm
D. Proof
What it the moaning of the Idiom/proverb “To be at loggerheads” ?
A.  To cooperate with enemies
B. To be in strong disagreement or dispute
C. To face stiff opposition
D. To tax one’s mind and body
I have lost _______ umbrella which you had given me.
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. no article is used
Antonym of ‘DISPARAGE’ is___________?
Alter ego means:_________?
A. Intimate friend
B. Harsh Enemy
C. Allies
D. None of these Class fellow
Choose the most suitable word: An office or post with no work but high pay:
A. Honorary
B. Sinecure
C. Gratis
D. Ex-Officio
Choose the correct article:
Wait for me by ____ school gate at 4 o clock.
A. An
B. A
C. The
D. Article is not required.
Synonym of LOQUACIOUS is _____________?
A. Talkative
B. Thirsty
C. Funny
D. Non of these
Antonym of “Foe” is___________?
A. Friend
B. Enemy
C. classmate
D. None of these
Antonym of pardon is _____________?
A. Punish
B. forgive
C. praise
D. Reward
Books are a great source _______ happiness.
A. of
B. for
C. on
D. with
Antonyms of “Apposite” is_____?
A. Liable
B. Connected
C. Inappropriate
D. None
“TO EGG ON” means ?
A. to advise
B. to ask
C. to urge
D. to warn
“MALA FIDE” means ?
A. Bad intention
B. Genuine
C. Trustworthy
D. Generous
He is superior _____me?
A. To
B. than
C. With
D. from
Through which light cannot pass?
A. Dull
B. Dark
C. Obscure
D. Opaque
Snollygoster is Synonymous to ?
A. Villain
B. Man of Principles
C. Sharp,Shrewd and Unprincipled Person 
D. None of these
What is the Synonym of of “Hue”?
A. Colour
B. Dew
C. Still
D. Pursuit
What is the Synonym of “Jeer”?
A. Scoff
B. Magnanimity
C. Applaud
D. Avoid
She sings____________?
A. Nicely
B. Beautifully
C. Sweetly
D. None of these
Antonym of Friend is _____________?
A. Enemy 
B. Brother
C. companion
D. None
A leady who remains unmarried?
A. Bachelor
B. Misanthrope
C. Spinster
D. None of these
Synonym of Obsolescent is _____________?
A. Useless
B. Glittering
C. Fustiness
D. Modernity
The noisy River Kumar Passes through city of Balakot. In this sentence ” noisy River” prefers to _________ ?
A. Talkative and Lively river
B. Loud and Fast flowing river
C. Slow and Gently Flowing river
D. Unhurried and Smoothly flowing river
The recent immigrants realised they were Consaguineous.?
A. Badly treated
B. cheated
C. having same ancestor
D. Mistaken
“Weal and woe” means__________?
A. Up & down
B. Joys & sorrows 
C. whole heartedly
D. Extreme hate
idiom of “Rides the high horse”?
A. went on gambling
B. bought a horse
C. superior 
D. None of them
Khan is always ready to “Eat anyone,s salt”?
A. To be one,s guest
B. To cook tasty dishes
C. An infectious diseas
D. None
The people of the village Afzal Khan are “the salt of the earth”?
A. Kind
B. Rich
C. Educated
D. Qurralsome
He looks upset, I think he took the criticism _____________ heart?
A. to
B. in
C. about
D. of
What’s the antonym of Amicable?
A. Friendly
B. Hostile
C. Haughty
D. Arrogant
You can’t always pass ______ appearance.
A. Down
B. By
C. Into
D. Of
To face the music means____________?
A. To be greeted rudely
B. To be offered warm hospitailty
C. To be on the front seat in a concert
D. To bear the consequences
The foreign phrase De novo means______?
A. one side only
B. Indefinitly
C. New
D. None of Above
Synonyms of of remote is__________?
A. automatic
B. savage
C. distant
D. mean
Synonyms of of Admonition is __________?
A. Weapon
B. Warning
C. Preamble
D. Alarm
Which mark is used for Semicolon________?
A. ?
B. :
C. ;
D. !
Wow! Ah! Oh! and No! are usually used as________?
A. Preposition
B. Conjunction
C. Interjection
D. Adjective
Antonym of Vagrant is _____________?
A. Derelcit
B. Wayfarer
C. Stable
D. Vagabond
FAQ stands for __________ ?
A. Frequently Asked Questions
B. Favourite Asked Questions
C. Favourite and Answered Questions
D. Frequently Answered Questions
Rule of thumb means ?
A. Mark of thumb on a legal paper
B. a rough estimate
C. an easy choice
D. an unknown rule
Have an Axe to Grind means:____________ ?
A. To use axe frequently
B. Selfish motive
C. To have a dispute with someone
D. To be fair with someone
Chose the correct meaning of idiom: Beat about the bush ?
A. Try to meet George Bush
B. To avoid the main topic
C. To make noise
D. To accompany someone in a jungle
The Chairman is ill and we’ll have to__________the meeting for a few days.
A. Put on
B. Put of
C. Put away
D. Put off
“Wow” is an example of_________?
A. Article
B. Conjunction
C. Interjection
D. Adverb
 isolation is most similar to__________?
A. Fear
B. Plenitude
C. Solitude
D. Disease
Contiguous is most similar to__________?
A. Catching
B. Divided
C. Adjoining
D. Circumstantial
Carte Blanche means:
A. wheel in the motion
B. A blank thing
C. Going by the rules
D. Full discretionary powers 
Antonym of “filthy” is_________?
A. Clean
B. Grimy
C. Grubby
D. Putrid
Both parties must adhere ______ the terms of the contract.
A. In
B. By
C. On
D. To
Synonym of “Bibulous” is _______?
A. Huge
B. Boozy
C. Sottish
D. Both B & C
Antonym of ”Malaise” is ___________?
A. Despondancy
B. Dejection
C. Restless
D. Comfort
Which one of the following word is most similar to ” characterized by or showing interest or concern”?
A. Forlorn
B. Delinquent
C. Solicitous
D. All of the above
Which one of the following is most similar in meaning to SOPORIFIC?
A. Meteoric
B. Phlegmatic
C. Sadistic
D. Hypnotic
Synonym of “Yokel” is _______?
A. Crafty
B. Canny
C. bumpkin
D. Crave
I was alarmed_______his death.
A. by
B. at
C. upon
D. from
Synonym of EVADE is_______?
A. Elude
B. Avoid
C. dodge
D. All of these
Synonym of VAGUE is_________?
A. Fuzzy
B. Clear
C. ill-timid
D. Evade
Meaning of words and how to use them is called?
A. Syntax
B. Semantics
C. Pragmatics
The list of words in a language is referred to as its___________?
A. Vocabulary
B. Structure
C. lexicon
D. Vocal cords
They greet me cheerfully every morning.
A. Every morning I was greeted cheerfully.
B. I am greeted cheerfully by them every morning.
C. I am being greeted cheerfully by them every morning.
D. Cheerful greeting is done by them every morning to me.
Who is creating this mess?
A. Who has been created this mess?
B. By whom has this mess been created?
C. By whom this mess is being created?
D. By whom is this mess being created?
I remember my sister taking me to the museum.
A. I remember I was taken to the museum by my sister.
B. I remember being taken to the museum by my sister.
C. I remember myself being taken to the museum by my sister.
D. I remember taken to the museum by my sister.
The synonym of “Emancipate” is_________?
A. Emanate
B. Incorporate
C. Defame
D. Release
The synonym of “Gregarious” is__________?
A. Sociable
B. Reserved
C. Shaky
D. Egregious
Synonym of DEFLECT is _____________?
A. Frustrate
B. Divert
C. Revert
D. Depress
What is the synonysm for STRICTURE?
A. Stricness
B. Stinging
C. Censure
D. Discipline
Antonym of “QUOTIDIAN” is_________?
A. Extraordinary 
B. Certain
C. Wishful
D. Premature
Synonym of Contaminate is _____________?
A. Purify
B. Debase
C. Clean
D. Arrange
Are they playing match against them?
A. Is a match being played against our team by them?
B. Is a match be played against our team by them?
C. Is a match played against our team by them?
D. Is a match been played against our team by them?
You must obey your parents.
A. Your parents must obeyed by you.
B. Your parents must been obeyed by you.
C. Your parents must be obeyed by you.
D. Your parents must being obeyed by you.
Have you taken a rest?
A. Have a rest been taken by you?
B. Have a rest taken by you.
C. Had a rest taken by you?
D۔ Have a rest be take by you?
Why does an officer neglect duties?
A. Why the duties neglected by an officer?
B. Why are the duties neglected by an officer?
C. Why is the duties neglected by an officer?
D. Why are the duties neglect by an officer.
Did you visit a zoo?
A. Was a zoo being visited by you?
B. Was a zoo be visited by you?
C. Was a zoo been visited by you?
D. Was a zoo visited by you?
She will invite me.
A. I shall be invited by her.
B. I will invited by her.
C. I shall being invited by her.
D. I will been invited by her.
I take exercise daily.
A. Exercise are taken daily by me.
B. Exercise is taken daily by me.
C. Exercise is being taken daily by me.
D. Exercise is been taken daily by me.
You will praise her very much.
A. She will praised very much by you.
B. She will be praised very much by you.
C. She will being praised very much by you.
D. She will been praised very much by you.
Why do you tell a lie?
A. Why a lie told by you?
B. Why is a lie be told by you?
C. Why is a lie told by you?
D. Why is a lite being told you?
Why did you waste best part of your life?
A. Why the best part of your life wasted by you?
B. Why were the best part of your life wasted by you?
C. Why did the best part of your life wasted by you?
D. Why was the best part of your life wasted by you?
Will my mother have baked cake?
A. Will the cake have baked by my mother?
B. Will the cake has being baked by my mother?
C. Will the cake be baked by my mother?
D. Will the cake have been baked by my mother?
Who designed a car?
A. By whom a car designed?
B. By whom a car had designed?
C. By whom a car was designed?
D. By whom a car was being designed?
He was driving a car, when accident occurred.
A. A car driven by him, when the accident occur.
B. A car was driven by him, when the accident occur.
C. A car was been driven by him, when the accident occurred.
D. A car was being driven by him, when the accident occurred.
They probably won’t attend lecture tomorrow.
A. The lecture probably not attended by them tomorrow.
B. The lecture probably won’t be attended by them.
C. The lecture not probably attended by them tomorrow.
D. The lecture probably won’t been attended by them tomorrow.
The Ship Is Bound_____Pakistan.
A. Onto
B. At
C. To
D. For
Synonyms of ABASEMENT is _______?
A. Incurrence
B. Taxation
C. Pride
D. Humiliation
He is averse_______hard work.
A. on
B. to
C. at
D. from
The idiomatic phrase “Spick and Span” means?
A. Wisdome and foresight
B. Watch the weather
C. spotlessly clean
D. Deceive somebody
Synonym of Abysmal is__________?
A. Dreadful
B. Awaful
C. Atrocious
D. All of them
Antonym of Euphony?
A. Cacophony
B. pithy
C. Salophony
D. Pitching
What do you mean by Novel ___________ ?
A. Short prose
B. A long fictional prose with many characters
C. A short narrative prose
D. A literary work on the stage
What the term Short Story stands for:
A. A long prose fiction
B. A story of figurative language
C. A story of many characters
D. A short prose fiction
Reptile is to Lizard as Flower is to________?
A. Petal
B. Stem
C. Daisy 
D. Alligator
My first lesson __________ forgiveness came from my mother.
A. Upon
B. About
C. In
D. On
I’m ________ sure of it as you are.
A. Quite
B. As 
C. Perfectly
D. Very
What is the Synonym of the word “INDUBITABLE”?
A. Certain
B. Undeniable
C. Fraudulent
D. Doubtful
Synonym of Unhinge is________?
A. Sane
B. Stable
C. Deranged
D. Balanced
Synonym of Fanatical is__________?
A. Zealous
B. Moderate
C. Open-minded
D. Rare
Synonym of Lurch is________?
A. Stagger
B. Tiptoe
C. Steady
D. None of the above
Synonym of Warmonger is_________?
A. Militarist
B. Pacifist
C. Honest
D. Optimist
Synonym of Enfeeble is_________?
A. Weaken
B. Strengthen
C. Powerful
D. Acceptable
Synonym of Prudence is____________?
A. Judgement
B. Folly
C. Recklessness
D. Incapable
Synonym of Murky is___________?
A. Dark
B. Gloomy
C. Bright
D. Both A and B
Synonym of Ominous is__________?
A. Menacing
B. Promising
C. Auspicious
D. Propitious
Synonym of Obscure is __________?
A. confusing
B. Reveal
C. Clear
D. Bright
Synonym of Gauche is ________?
A. Awkward
B. Elegant
C. Sophisticated
D. Decent
Synonym of Defamation is __________?
A. Libel
B. Slander
C both A and B
D. Commendation
Synonym of Confiscated is________?
A. Seize
B. Return
C. Allow
D. Free
Synonym of Reluctant is ________?
A. Willing
B. eager
C. Unwilling
D. Ready
Synonym of Dissent is_________?
A. Agree
B. Accept
C. Disagree
D. Assent
Synonym of Cagey is ________?
A. Secretive
B. Frank
C. Open
D. Weak
Synonym of “AFICIONADO” is____________?
A. Enthusiast
B. Critic
C. indifferent
D. Rival
Synonym of “INEBRIATE” is___________?
A. Dreamy
B. Stupefied
C. Drunken
D. Unsteady
Synonym of “Retaliation” is__________?
A. Reconciliation
B. Remission
C. Revenge
D. Condonation
The original inhabitants of a Country.
A. Aborigines
B. Citizens
C. Natives
D. Primitive
The teacher made the naughty boy __________.
A. Tiptoe
B. Tiptoes
C. To Tiptoe
D. None of these
Synonym of “AMNESTY” is________?
A. Assistance
B. Security
C. Judicial
D. Pardon
Synonym of “YOB” is__________?
A. Annoyed
B. Intelligent
C. Humble
D. Aggressive 
Synonym of “BONHAMIE” is__________?
A. friendliness
B. curriculum
C. Meticulous
D. Insolent
To”Jazz Up” means to___________?
A. Go faster
B. Make something more exciting
C. Make a lot of noise
D. Be Strong
There were no opposition to the new policy by the ‘rank and file’ of the Government.
A. The ordinary members 
B. The official machinery
C. The majority
D. The cabinet ministers
Synonym of TRUCE is_________?
A. Armistice
B. Ratify
C. Agreement
D. Settlement
Synonym of Foster is ________?
A. Increase
B. Lessen
C. Raise
D. None
What is the synonym for the Exotic?
A. dull
B. uninteresting
C. Unusual
D. boring
What is the cause ____________ the problem?
A. of
B. on
C. about
D. in
It differs ______________ their last suggestion?
A. about
B. in
C. from
D. of
This flying coach is bound______Karachi.
A. For
B. From
C. To
D. None
I would like to thank you ____________ behalf of all of us?
A. of
B. on
C. about
D. in
He is jealous ______________ her success?
A. of
B. on
C. about
D. in
As ________ me; I will be happy to lend a hand?
A. of
B. in
C. about
D. for
He was accused ______________ theft?
A. of
B. in
C. about
D. on
What did you make __________ the lecture?
A. of
B. in
C. about
D. on
Unfortunately, we had to cancel it owing ___________ the bad weather?
A. of
B. in
C. about
D. to
It was kind _______________ you to help?
A. of
B. in
C. about
D. on
She cares ________ the environment?
A. of
B. in
C. about
D. on
He was embarrassed because everybody was laughing __________ him?
A. of
B. in
C. about
D. at
Green pepper is very rich __________ vitamin C?
A. of
B. in
C. about
D. on
Please do not interfere _____________ my personal affairs?
A. of
B. in
C. about
D. on
He is interested ____________ history?
A. of
B. in
C. about
D. on
We arrived ____________ the station an hour late?
A. of
B. in
C. about
D. at
I am good __________ tennis?
A. of
B. in
C. about
D. at
The teacher set some homework ____________ the end of the lesson?
A. of
B. in
C. about
D. at
She suffers ___________ a heart disease?
A. from
B. in
C. about
D. on
They decided __________ the grey sofa?
A. of
B. in
C. about
D. on
He confided _________ me?
A. of
B. in
C. about
D. on
I am envious ___________ them?
A. of
B. in
C. about
D. on
I am worried ____________ the exam?
A. in
B. about
C. on
D. of
Nafeesa is afraid ___________spiders?
A. from
B. in
C. about
D. of
He is good ______ Football.
A. At
B. Of
C. With
D. In
She is jealous _______ my friend?
A. From
B. With
C. Of
D. By
Synonym of Nostalgia is ____________?
A. Reminiscence
B. Apathy
C. Homesickness
D. Wistfulness
The Sun_________From Behinds The Clouds.s
A. Immerse
B. Emerged 
C. Imerged
D. None Of These
A Group of birds or a flock flying together in hundreds or even in thousands is called _______ ?
A. Startling
B. Murmuration
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
One who lacks knowledge ________ ?
A. Intelligent
B. Ignorant
C. Credulous
D. Colleague
A part of a word that can be pronounced separately ?
A. Particle
B. Sibilant
C. Syllable
D. Letter
One who travels from place to place ?
A. Itinerant
B. Mendicant
C. Journeyman
D. Tramp
Antonym of Selfish is _____________?
A. Helpful
B. Altruistic
C. Egocentric
D. Acquisitive
Antonym of Torture is__________?
A. Third Degree
B. Twinge
C. Peace
D. Stick
She said to the princess, “May you live long”.
A. She prayed for the princess that she might live long.
B. She prayed for the princess that may she live long.
C. She prayed for the princess that she live long.
D. She prayed for the princess that she may live long.
He will be arriving quite late, so by the time he comes, the play ______ ?
A. Would have begun
B. Will begun
C. Will have begun
D. Would begun
The police _______ for the robber for long but they have failed to find him so far.
A. Have looked
B. Have been looking
C. Has looked
D. Has been looking
I’ll come to meet you at the station in my car _________ you do not have to walk to my house.
A. So that
B. In order
C. That
D. Because
Rubi talks a lot, doesn’t she? Yes, although there no reason for _______ ?
A. So much have talking
B. Her so much talking
C. Her talking so much
D. Talking her so much
Turn left________the traffic lights.
A. At
B. In
C. On
D. Of
I said to her, “Why are you sleeping”?
A. I asked her why she was sleeping.
B. I asked her that why she was sleeping.
C. I asked her that why was she sleeping.
D. None of these
Correct the sentence:
He got up and run to the door.
A. He get up and run to the door.
B. He gets up and run to the door.
C. He got up and will run to the door.
D. He got up and ran to the door.
______ earth moves around ______ sun.
A. The; A
B. An; The
C. The; the
D. An; A
Choose the correct option which reflect the same sense as in the captioned sentence:
“Our guest let us know that he would be arriving next week in his last letter.”
A. Our guest let us know that he was arriving next week in his last letter.
B. Our guest let us know that’s he are arriving in his last letter.
C. Our guest let us know in his last letter that he would be arriving next week.
D. Done of the above
He writes ___ ink.
Meaning of the idiom ‘Swan song”?
A. Last work
B. First work
C. Middle work
D. Early work
The food is very good_______that restaurant.
A. at
B. of
C. in
D. with
The Synonym of Abstemious is___________?
A. Diligent
B. Confused
C. Moderate
D. None of these
The Synonym of Abreast is________?
A. Smart
B. Informed
C. Opposite
D. None of these
The words in these books will be of value_________ you.
A. To
B. For
C. On
D. None of these
Zillzahid Presents himself as a bold Journalist by asking people in politics the kinds of………………… questions that other reporters do not ask.
A. Controversial
B. Circumnutating
C. Abnormal
D. Irrelevant
Synonym of Fealty is _____________?
A. Loyalty
B. Non-Alliance
B. Amenity
D. Fear
Synonym of Intrepid is _____________?
A. Timid
B. Affable
C. Bold
D. Lazy
Synonym of Dearth is _____________?
A. Necessity
B. Luck
C. Lack
D. Abundance
Synonym of Facile is _____________?
A. Cheerful
B. Clean
C. Easy
D. Humorous
Synonym of fervor is__________?
A. Excitement
B. Class
C. Realization
D. Swiftness
Synonym of Doleful is__________?
A. Sad
B. Happy
C. Famous
D. Enemy
The Synonym of Abstemious is___________?
A. Diligent
B. Confused
C. Moderate
D. None of these
The Synonym of Abreast is________?
A. Smart
B. Informed
C. Opposite
D. None of these
The words in these books will be of value_________ you.
A. To
B. For
C. On
D. None of these
Zillzahid Presents himself as a bold Journalist by asking people in politics the kinds of………………… questions that other reporters do not ask.
A. Controversial
B. Circumnutating
C. Abnormal
D. Irrelevant
Synonym of Fealty is _____________?
A. Loyalty
B. Non-Alliance
B. Amenity
D. Fear
Synonym of Intrepid is _____________?
A. Timid
B. Affable
C. Bold
D. Lazy
Synonym of Dearth is _____________?
A. Necessity
B. Luck
C. Lack
D. Abundance
Synonym of Facile is _____________?
A. Cheerful
B. Clean
C. Easy
D. Humorous
Synonym of fervor is__________?
A. Excitement
B. Class
C. Realization
D. Swiftness
Synonym of Doleful is__________?
A. Sad
B. Happy
C. Famous
D. Enemy
Synonym of Apposite is__________?
A. Whole
B. Revealing
C. Cooked
D. Appropriate
Synonym of Diffident is__________?
A. Upsetting
B. Shy
C. Responsible
D. Polite
Synonym of rebate is ____________ ?
A. Gift
B. Charity
C. Commission
D. Discount
Synonym of Decimate is _________?
A. Destroy
B. Promote
C. Disfigure
D. Dissipate
Synonym of Mull is __________ ?
A. Help
B. Discourage
C. Think
D. Provoke
He belongs________ a noble family.
A. with
B. to
C. among
D. in
Synonym of INFRINGE is__________?
A. Breach
B. Escape
C. Hard
D. Bound
Antonym of PATHOLOGICAL is___________?
A. Healthy
B. diseased
C. morbid
D. None of these
Synonymous of ‘Flank’ is ____________?
A. Side of a person right or left
B. In an open, honest, and direct manner
C. Hidden
D. Far away
Synonym of ‘Rowdy’ is_________?
A. Restrained
B. Noisy and disorderly
C. Crowd
D. Push out
Synonym of ‘Shove’_________?
A. A strong push
B. Avoid
C. Come out
D. Fast
Synonym of BEMOAN is ___________ ?
A. Denounce
B. Lament
C. Soothe
D. Loathe
Synonym of WRATH is _____________ ?
A. Violence
B. Anger
C. Hatred
D. Jealousy
Synonym of EAGER is __________ ?
A. Devoted
B. Clever
C. Curious
D. Enthusiastic
Antonym of REVEALED is __________ ?
A. Denied
B. Concealed
C. Ignored
D. Overlooked
Synonym of OBLIQUE is _____________?
A. Horizontal
B. Bore
C. Slanting
D. Disregard
When I was sleeping, she ________ playing the sitar .
A. Was
B. Must be
C. Were
D. Is
Can they go shopping with us ? Sorry, they are busy; I wish they ________ with you now?
A. Can go
B. Are going
C. Could go
D. Would go
When I listened to his cogent arguments, all my _________ were ________ and I was forced to agree with his point of view.
A. Senses- Stimulated
B. Doubt- Confirmed
C. Doubt- Dispelled
D. Questions- Asked
It is almost impossible at times to capture the _________ of words when we translate them into a foreign language.
A. Implications
B. Meanings
C. Denotations
D. Connotations
“Clique” means____________?
A. A group of animals
B. A group of birds
C. A group of people
D. None of above
“Prosaic” means__________?
A. Good
B. Dull
C. Beautiful
D. None
What is the meaning of Banton?
A. Afresh
B. Good manners
C. Farewell
D. Authority
Synonym of Turmoil is _____________?
A. Conclusion
B. Reversal
C. Meanness
D. Confusion
___________ the bad weather, the outdoor party was rescheduled.
A. Because of
B. In order to
C. Despite
D. None of these
I prefer tea_______coffee.
A. to
B. than
C. then
D. of
Sara said,”Alas! I have lost my diamond ring.”
A. Sara exclaimed with sorrow that I have lost my diamond ring.
B. Sara exclaimed with sorrow that she have lost her diamond ring.
C. Sara exclaimed with sorrow that I had lost my diamond ring.
D. Sara exclaimed with sorrow that she had lost  her diamond ring.
They said, “Hurrah!we won the match.”
A. They said that they won the match.
B. They exclaimed with joy that they won the match.
C. They exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.
D. They exclaimed with joy that we had won the match.
She Said, “My parents are going to karachi”.
A. She said that my parents were going to karachi.
B. She said that my parents gone to karachi.
C. She said that her parents were going to karachi.
D. She said that her parents are going to karachi.
He is busy with his work ______________?
A. inns and out
B. up to neck
C. up to the hilt
D. kith and kin
“All Hours” means___________?
A. At Regular Times
B. At Irregular Times
C. Every Hour
D. None of these
My friend says, “I can’t help you, sorry. I have a lot of work to do.”
A. My friend says I can’t help you because I have a lot of work to do.
B. My friend says he can’t help me because he has a lot of work to do.
C. My friend says he can’t help me because he have a lot of work to do.
D. My friend says that I can’t help you I have a lot of work to do.
My friend said to me,” I will meet you tonight.”
A. My friend told me that I will meet you tonight.
B. My friend told that he will meet me tonight.
C. My friend told me that he would meet me that night.
D. My friend said to me that he will meet me that night.
She said,” I visited Peshawar yesterday.”
A. She said that she had visited Peshawar the previous day.
B. She said that I had visited Peshawar yesterday.
C. She said that she visited Peshawar yesterday.
D. She said that she has visited Peshawar the previous day.
Ahmad said,” I have a dental appointment this evening.”
A. Ahmad said that he have a dental appointment this evening.
B. Ahmad said that he had a dental appointment this evening.
C. Ahmad said that he has a dental appointment this evening.
D. Ahmad said that he had a dental appointment that evening.
He said, “I need your help now.”
A. He said he need my help now.
B. He said that he needed my help then.
C. He said that I needed your help now.
D. None of these
My friend said,” I will meet you tomorrow.”
A. My friend said that he will meet me tomorrow.
B. My friend said that he would meet me the next day.
C. My friend said he would meet me tomorrow.
D. My friend said that he will meet me tomorrow.
He said,”I need some money.”
A. He said that I need some money.
B. He said that he need some money.
C. He said that he needed some money.
D. He said that I needed some money.
He said.”I am studying now.”
A. He said that I am studying then.
B. He said that I was studying then.
C. He said that he was studying then.
D. He said that he was studying now.
Idiom “A slap on the wrist” means?
A. Hard Punishment
B. Beating Someone
C. Warning or Small Punishment
D. Make someone sad
Idiom “To cut long story short” means?
A. Tell the story briefly
B. Come to the point
C. Miss the main points
D. None of above
Which one of the following is antonym of ” Apocryphal ” while others are synonyms?
A. Genuine
B. Mythical
C. Obscure
D. Unsubstantiated
Which one of the following is antonym of ” Prosaic ” while others are synonyms?
A. Pedestrian
B. Prosy
C. Tedious
D. Interesting
Which one of the following is antonym of ” Raucous” while others are synonyms?
A. Hoarse
B. Subdued
C. Strident
D. Discordant
Which one of the following is antonym of ” Picayune ” while others are synonyms?
A. Piddling
B. Trifling
C. Colossal
D. Trivial
Which one of the following is antonym of ” Flaunt ” while others are synonyms?
A. Cover
B. Brandish
C. Display
D. Exhibit
Which one of the following is antonym of ” Welter ” while others are synonyms?
A. Clutter
B. Fuddle
C. Jumble
D. Order
Which one of the following is antonym of ” Eclat ” while others are synonyms?
A. Eminence
B. Esteem
C. Plaudit
D. Dullness
Which one of the following is antonym of ” Minuscule ” while others are synonyms?
A. Diminutive
B. Lilliputian
C. Miniature
D. Majuscule
Which one of the following is antonym of ” IMPOVERISHED ” while others are synonyms?
A. broke
B. destitute
C. impecunious
D. wealthy
Which one of the following is antonym of ” Flummox ” while others are synonyms?
A. Baffle
B. Confound
C. Perplex
D. Enlighten
Which one of the following is antonym of ” Epitome ” while others are synonyms?
A. antithesis
B. abridgment
C. abstract
D. compendium
Which one of the following is antonym of ” Perdition ” while others are synonyms?
A. Heaven
B. Doom
C. Hell
D. Infernal
Which one of the following is antonym of ” Mordant ” while others are synonyms?
A. acerbic
B. caustic
C. corrosive
D. pleasant
Please wait for me. I will be finished _______ five or ten minutes.
A. at
B. in
C. by
D. from
The railway track runs ______ the river.
A. over
B. across
C. by
D. on
Which one of the following is antonym of ” Perpetrator ” while others are synonyms?
A. Culprit
B. felon
C. Police
D. miscreant
Antonym of GREGARIOUS is ____________?
A. Talkative
B. Lonesome
C. Cheerful
D. Boring
Antonym of ONEROUS is ____________?
A. Light
B. Difficult
C. Burfensome
D. Fluent
Antonym of HYPOCRISY____________?
A. Doubt
B. Uprightness
C. Burdensome
D. Fluent
Antonym of “Paucity” is____________?
A. Scarcity
B. Surplus
C. Presence
D. Shallow
“De novo” means___________?
A. Calm in arm
B. New
C. Prominent
D. To any extent
“Inter alia” means___________?
A. In between
B. By the fact
C. Under concentration
D. At the end
The market is nearer to them than ________.
A. we
B. us
C. ours
D. ourselves
Early in the morning I _______ feed the cows. After I had finished that, I _______ play with the children in the village.
A. Used, could
B. Used, would
C. Could, should
D. Could, might
If you read the questions carefully you ______ them easily.
A. Answer
B. Will answer
C. Might answer
D. May answer
By the time you get this letter you _______ the tragic news.
A. Will receive
B. Will be receiving
C. Will be have received
D. Have received
“En-route” means_________?
A. oneway direction
B. On the way
C. Long distance
D. None of these
Antonym of Addendum?
A. Detriment
B. Lessening
C. Subtraction
D. All of above
Antonym of Acerbity?
A. Sweetness
B. Mellowness
C. Mildness
D. All of these
Antonym of Accost?
A. Avoid
B. Neglect
C. Scorn
D. All of these
Antonym of Accessible?
A. Inaccessible
B. Limited
C. Restricted
D. All of these
Antonym of Abstruse?
A. Obvious
B. Lucid
C. Plain
D. All of these
Antonym of Abstemious?
A. Gluttonous
B. Greedy
C. Hungry
D. All of these
Antonym of Absolve?
A. Execute
B. Condemn
C. Both a&b
D. Exculpate
Antonym of Abrogate?
A. Enact
B. Institute
C. Both a&b
D. Revoke
Antonym of Abjure?
A. Espouse
B. Support
C. Both a&b
D. Disavow
Antonym of Abject?
A. Commendable
B. Exalted
C. Excellent
D. All of above
Antonym of Aberrant?
A. Steadfast
B. Persistent
C. Devious
D. Both a&b
Antonym of Abate?
A. Enhance
B. Foster
C. Augment
D. All of above
Synonym of Addendum?
A. Augmentation
B. Codicil
C. Both a&b
D. Detriment
Synonym of Acerbity?
A. Tartness
B. Astringency
C. Sourness
D. All of these
Synonym of Accost?
A. Solicit
B. Confront
C. Both a&b
D. Scorn
Synonym of Accessible?
A. Available
B. Susceptible
C. Unrestricted
D. All of these
Synonyms of Abstruse?
A. Recondite
B. Intricate
C. Obscure
D. All of these
Synonym of Abstinence?
A. Abstemious
B. Sobriety
C. Temperance
D. All of these
Synonym of Abstemious?
A. Abstinent
B. Temperate
C. Moderate
D. All of above
Synonym of Absolve?
A. Exculpate
B. Exonerate
C. Both a&b
D. Execute
Synonym of Abrogate?
A. Revoke
B. Rescind
C. Repeal
D. All of above
Synonym of Abjure?
A. Disavow
B. Renounce
C. Both a &b
D. Espouse
Synonym of Aberrant?
 A. Devious
B. Divergent
C. Steadfast
D. Both a & b
Synonym of Abate?
A. Diminish
B. Halt
C. Decline
D. All of above
Idiom ” To make amend for” means___________?
A. Make possible effort
B. To compensate for damage
C. To bring chance in something
D. None of these
The practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own is known as ____________?
A. Cuckold
B. Despotism
C. Plagiarism
D. Epicure
A person who talks in his/her sleep is known as ___________?
A. Bourgeois
B. Insomnist
C. ventriloquist
D. Somniloquist
secretly listening to a conversation is called ________?
A. Eavesdrop
B. Overhearing
C. Pigeonholing
D. Spying
A disease that is liable to be transmitted to people through the environment is known as ___________?
A. Contagious
B. Infectious
C. Fatal
D. Incurable
A disease spreading from one person or organism to another by contact is known as ________?
A. Contagious
B. Infectious
C. Unanimous
D. Fatal
Something that is hard but liable to break easily is known as _______?
A. Brittle
B. Flexible
C. Resilient
D. Supple
A person fluent in two languages is known as _________?
A. Bilingual
B. Bigot
C. Bigamy
D. Brittle
The action or practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats is known as _________?
A. Coercion
B. Conviction
C. Confession
D. Cajolement
A narrow piece of land connecting two large masses of land is known as _________?
A. Gulf
B. Isthmus
C. Peninsula
D. Continent
Government by a small group of all powerful persons is known as _________?
A. Dictatorship
B. Monarchy
C. Oligarchy
D. Anarchy
“Brain Drain” means__________?
A. Mad Person
B. Migration Of Skilled Person To Other Country
C. Emigration Of Intellectuals
D. None
A person who helps another commit a crime is known as __________?
A. Accomplice
B. Amateur
C. Cuckold
D. Changeling
A sad poem usually written to praise and express sorrow for someone who is dead is known as ________?
A. Elegy
B. Oad
C. Sestina
D. Epic
A long poem narrating achievements of a hero or legendary figures is known as ___________?
A. Epic
B. Elegy
C. Ode
D. Sestina
A form of written language for blind people is known as __________?
A. Braille
B. Elysium
C. Epicure
D. Arson
A medicine taken or given to counteract a particular poison is known as ___________?
A. antidote
B. antitoxin
C. Adderall
D. A & B
One who eats everything indiscriminately is known as _________?
A. Albumen
B. Adept
C. Omnivorous
D. Amphibian
One who is present everywhere is known as ____________?
A. Omnipotent
B. Omniscient
C. Omnipresent
D. None of the above
Something which is incapable of being seen through is known as _____________?
A. Non-transparent
B. Blurred
C. Opaque
D. All of the above
Something which is capable of being seen through is known as _____________?
A. Opaque
B. Coarse
C. Ambiguous
D. Transparent
One who is unable to pay debts owed is known as __________?
A. Foreclosed
B. Insolvent
C. Bankrupt
D. All of the above
Antonym of Felicity is _____________?
A. Sadness
B. Powerful
C. Narrow
D. Opaque
Antonym of Credulous is _____________?
A. Respectfull
B. Hardworking
C. Skeptical
D. Frugal
A person who collects or has a great love of books is known as ________?
A. Bibliophile
B. Pluviophile
C. Cosmopolitan
D. Changeling
Forcing someone to make payment for not revealing discreditable secrets is known as ______________?
A. Blackmail
B. Despotism
C. Assassin
D. Elysium
The offence of marrying someone while already married to another person is known as _________?
A. Bigamy
B. Coupe
C. Bigot
C. Biped
A large enclosure for confining birds is known as _________?
A. Aviary
B. Columbary
C. Volary
D. All of the above
Items of business to be considered at a meeting is called __________?
A. Agenda
B. Bulletin
C. Elysium
D. Epicture
Science of heavenly bodies is known as _______?
A. Astronomy
B. Anatomy
C. Ecology
D. Astrology
Art of judging influence of stars upon human affairs is known as _______?
A. Astrology
B. Paleontology
C. Meteorology
D. Geology
The hundredth anniversary of a significant event is known as ________?
A. Centenary
B. Elysium
C. Assassin
D. None of the above
One who is familiar with and at ease in many different countries and cultures is known as _______________?
A. Cosmopolitan
B. Unsophisticated
C. Provincial
D. All of the above
Government by old people is termed as ____________?
A. Monarchy
B. Gerontocracy
C. Paedocracy
D. Autocracy
A book giving information on all branches of knowledge is known as _______?
A. Encyclopedia
B. Cynic
C. Desperado
D. Elysium
A group of associated or similar things is known as _____________?
A. Constellation
B. Plainness
C. Elysium
D. None of the above
A person who is recovering after an illness or medical treatment is known as ____________?
A. Convalescent
B. Regressing
C. Faltering
D. Failing
Leaving one’s country and go to live in a foreign land is known as _________?
A. Emigrate
B. Eradicate
C. Immigrate
D. Extempore
One who looks on the dark side of the things is known as ________?
A. Optimist
B. Patricide
C. Pessimist
D. Philanthropist
One who looks on the bright side of things is known as ________?
A. Pessimist
B. Novice
C. Optimist
D. Credulous
Something that is liable to be easily broken is known as ________?
A. Brittle
B. Resilient
C. Flexible
D. None of the above
A letter which is not claimed by anybody is known as _______?
A. Dead Letter
B. Adjustment Letter
C. Complaint Letter
D. Acknowledgment Letter
A composition which bears no name of the writer is known as _________?
A. Anonymous
B. Identified
C. Signed
D. Apostate
Is this is the bus, ______ goes to the Sadar Bazar?
A. that
B. who
C. which
D. To arrive
He bought a three ___________ suit.
A. Hundred-Dollars
B. Hundreds-Dollar
C. Hundred-Dollar
D. Hundreds-Dollars
The idiom “To burry the hatchet” mean?
A. To make peace
B. To make a foolish choice
C. To make a wrong decision
D. To lose something
Antonym of ATTRACT is _____________?
A. Repel
B. Demote
C. Expel
D. None of these
Antonym of ADAPT is _____________?
A. Applaud
B. Unfit
C. Approve
D. None of these
Antonym of APATHY is _____________?
A. Sleep
B. Conclude
C. Zeal
D. None of these
Complete the idiom “Hell hath no fury like a___________?
A. A women scorned
B. A burnned women
C. A women forgotten
D. A devil’s advocate
Foreign phrase ” De Jure” means?
A. By law
B. Successful
C. Illegal
D. Compromising
Synonym of Abject is _____________?
A. Disgusting
B. Squalid
C. Contemptible
D. All of these
Idiom “Tie the knot” means?
A. Friendship
B. Getting married
C. Enmity
D. Criticism
Antonym of ARCHETYPE is _____________?
A. Origin
B. Copy
C. Generous
D. Factory
Antonym of Abridge is _____________?
A. Subdue
B. Augment
C. Encourage
D. Elaborate
Antonym of PATHOLOGICAL is _____________?
A. Sick
B. Healthy
C. Chemicals
D. Selective
The book is______the mug and pen.
A. In
B. Among
C. Between
D. Of
A good judge never jumps _________the conclusion.
A. In
B. To
C. on
D. At
The Students protested _____ the ill-treatment of their leader.
A. over
B. to
C. against
D. for
A Game which no one wins called_________?
A. Tie
B. Draw
C. loss
D. toss
If________the match,I will go to “KPK (Peshawar) to meet the sports board chairperson.
A. I will win
B. I win
C. I wins
D. I shall win
The Government ruled by Women is called?
A. Petticoat government
B. Corporatocracy
C. Patriarchy
D. None of these
the killing of one’s mother called________?
A. matricide
B. parricide
C. regicide
D. patricide
killing of a large group of people called_________?
A. filicide
B. fratricide
C. genocide
D. homicide
A community of people smaller than a village
A. hamlet
B. aviary
C. apiary
D. none of these
A person who is controlled by wife called
A. Henpeck
B. Connoisseur
C. Somnambulist
D. None of these
Synonym of Exemplify is _____________?
A. Reprehensible
B. Illustrate
C. Empty
D. Finish
Synonym of Infringe is _____________?
A. Breach
B. Escape
C. Hard
D. Bound
ill-gotten meaning ?
A. No required
B. Taken through legal way
C. Acquired by illegal or unfair means
d. Very ill
Past Tense of ”Find” is________?
A. Find
B. Found
C. Founded
D. Both B and C
The_________ of war is expected very soon.
A. Cessation
B. Cession
C. Session
D. cestion
Antonym of BRUSQUE is _____________?
A. Corrupt
B. Brash
C. energetic
D. Courteous
You must bear_______his pranks.
A. with
B. In
C. some of
D. All
Synonym of PARAGON is _____________?
A. Model
B. Virtue
C. Square
D. None
Caravan : desert ::
A. Boat: Cruise
B. Book: Library
C. Midnight: Noon
Salutation : Farewell ::
A. Birth: Death
B. Army: Navy
C. Noon: Midnight
D. Lunch: Dinner
Synonym of Abrupt is _____________?
A. Sudden
B. Noisy
C. Calm
D All of these
Choose the correct spelling for the missing word: My ____________ needs to be paid every month.
A. Morgage
B. Morguage
C. Mortgage
D. Morgauge
He is very poor. What is “Very” in this sentence?
A. Adjective
B. Noun
C. Adverb
D. None
A small enclosure for cattle, sheep, poultry etc. is called as __________?
A. Cellar
B. Sty
C. Pen
D. Lair
One-Trick Pony means:
A. A person having one special feature, talent, or area of experti
B. Doing work dishonesty
C. Unlawful paropaganda
D. Clever planning for enemy
Nobody ________ that old man had fallen.
A. noted
B. knew
C. noticed
D. none of these
Afridi plays the Harmonium and the sitar is_______also.
A. Played
B. Played by he
C. Played by him
D. None of these
I am tired_______waiting.
A. Of 
B. By
C. With
D. From
I always praise him for his merits, but he always turns_________you pointing out your demerits
A. at
B. to
C. on
D. for
He is serious_______visiting Islamabad.
A. Of
B. For
C. To
D. On
We are accountable _________God for our actions.
A. with
B. on
C. in
D. to
I am famous _______honesty where javed is notorious for dishonesty.
A. for 
B. to
C. upon
D. in
” Infallible ” refers to the one who is free from all _________?
A. cares & worries
B. cares & failures
C. mistakes & failures
D. Worries & troubles
We decided to do all the task ______ instead of waiting for help.
A. of our own
B. by ourselves
C. ours
D. All
action of killing King is called____________?
A. regicide
B. suicide
C. patricide
D. parricide
He did not give up the fight even though he was badly bruised.
A. The fight did not give up by him even though he was badly bruised.
B. The fight had not given up by him even though he was badly bruised.
C. The fight was not given up by him even though he was badly bruised.
D. The fight was not being given up by him even though he was badly bruised.
We should avoid tranquilizer in order to have a good health.
A. Tranquilizer should avoided by us in order to have good health.
B. Tranquilizer should been avoided by us in order to have a good health.
C. Tranquilizer should be avoid by us in order to have a good health.
D. Tranquilizer should be avoided by us in order to have a good health.
His wife upbraided him for his irresponsible handling of the family finance.
A. He upbraided by his wife for his irresponsible handling of the family finance.
B. He was upbraided by his wife for his irresponsible handling of the family finance.
C. He has upbraided by his wife for his irresponsible handling of the family finance.
D. He were upbraided by his wife for his irresponsible handling of the family finance.
She never understood me, whenever I said Something.
A. Whenever I said something, I never understood by her.
B. Whenever I said something, I had never understood by her.
C. Whenever I said something, I was being never understood by her.
D. Whenever I said something I was never understood by her.
When I am alone, I hear the footsteps of my friend in my imagination.
A. The footsteps of my friend heard by me, when I am alone.
B. The footsteps of my friend is heard by me when I am alone.
C. The footsteps of my friend are heard by me when I am alone.
D. The footsteps of my friend was heard by me when I am alone.
When the men coughed he realized that the men were quite near to him.
A. When the men coughed it realized by him that the men were quiet near to him.
B. When the men coughed it had realized by him that the men were quite near to him.
C. When the men coughed it was realized by him that the men were quite near to him.
D. When the men coughed it is realized by him the men ere quite near to him.
I’m getting late ______ office.
A. From
B. For
C. To
D. In
Antonym of ” Applicable ” is _____________?
A. Irrelevant
B. Minimifidian
C. Incredulous
D. Cynical
E. Upset
Look, It _______.
A. rains
B. is raining
C. has been raining
D. had been raining
We can’t believe it. The story is ____ believable.
A. In
B. Un
C. Dis
D. None
I ______ Sidra yesterday.
A. have seen
B. saw
C. had seen
D. seen
It is _______ today.
A. too much hot
B. so much hot
C. too hot
D. more hotter
My father wanted _________ study.
A. that I
B. me to
C. that I must
D. that I should
E. None
Which parts of speech shows the relationship of noun or pronoun with the rest of the sentence?
A. Preposition
B. Conjunction
C. Adverb
D. Interjection
She’s angry ______ you.
A. On
B. For
C. With
D. To
His office is always in apple-pie order. What does the idiom/phrase “apple-pie order” means?
A. Neat & tidy
B. Disordered
C. Mismanaged
D. Ornamental
there is a limit________ everything in life
A. to
B. on
C. in
D. with
Antonym of “Lenient” is _____________?
A. easy-going
B. long-suffering
C. Strict
D. Liberal
E. Moderate
I’m ______ pleased with it.
A. Much
B. Very
C. Too
D. None
___________ you work very hard, you cannot pass. (KPPSC 2018 paper)
A. Unless
B. Until
C. While
D. As if
Antonym of ” Pessimistic ” is _____________?
A. Devoted
B. Cheat
C. Despondent
D. Hopeful
E. Defeatist
Pronoun is used to avoid unnecessary repetition of ____________ in a sentence?
A. Verb
B. Adjective
C. Noun
D. Preposition
Which parts of speech describes where, when and how an action happens?
A. Adjective
B. Conjunction
C. Verb
D. Adverb
E. Preposition
He cut his finger________ the knife
A. By
B. with
C. through
D. From
Fear of closed places:
A. Claustrophobia
B. Misogynist
C. Ambidextrous
D. Philanthropy
Synonym of backbone is _____________?
A. front bone
B. spine
C. back
D. B & C both
Synonym of Kidnap is _____________?
A. Appaling
B. Abduct
C. Renounce
D. All the above
Synonym of abandon is _____________?
A. Leave
B. Abstract
C. Abduct
D. None of these
What is the Synonym of “Ravage?
A. Annoy
B. Ruin
C. Popular
D. Predator
He want five thousand dollars to buy a car. He won’t be satisfied with less. What is “less” in this sentence?
A. Noun
B. Verb
C. Adverb
D. Adjective
The population of Pakistan is less than that of China. What is “less” in this sentence?
A. Noun
B. Verb
C. Adverb
D. Adjective
You are paying less attention to your studies than you used to do. What is “less” in this sentence?
A. Noun
B. Verb
C. Adverb
D. Adjective
Antonym of FALLACY is _________?
A. Abandon
B. Blunder
C. Truth
D. Error
The man _________ you met is an anchorperson.
A. who
B. whose
C. whom
D. which
“Hold one’s horse” means__________?
A.  Keep one’s expectations
B.  Keep one’s gift
C.  Have patience
D.  High on energy
“Give cold shoulder” means__________?
A. To support
B. Cold meat
C. To ignore
D. Shiver
Synonym of “GAINSAY” is _____________?
A. Suppress
B. Oppose
C. Yielding
D. animation
He has been working_________morning.
A. For
B. Since
C. at
D. by
Word nearest in meaning to Obscene is____________?-(PMS 2018)
A. Dirty
B. indecent
C. unhealthy
D. Both A & B
Antonym of ” Chaste ” is _____________?
A. Shrewd
B. Talkative
C. Aspirant
D. Promiscuous
E. Celibate
Synonym of ” Persecuter ” is _____________?
A. Oppressor
B. Hasty
C. Patient
D. Tycoon
E. Jubilant
Synonym of ” Moratorium ” is _____________?
A. Austerity
B. Embargo
C. Lienancy
D. Sereness
E. Celibacy
Synonym of ” Tyrant ” is _____________?
A. Suspicious
B. Persecuter
C. Victim
D. Sagacious
E. Chatter box
The public were deeply sceptical ________ some of the proposals?
A. For
B. With
C. About
D. Of
E. From
Antonym of ” Celibate ” is _____________?
A. Chaste
B. Ascetic
C. Monastic
D. Married
E. Genious
The same considerations are equally applicable ______ accident claims?
A. to
B. in
C. on
D. of
E. with
Antonym of ” Sceptical ” is _____________?
A. Unconvinced
B. Scoffing
C. Certain
D. Reticent
E. Scapegoat
Synonym of ” Pledge ” is _____________?
A. Outclass
B. Vow
C. Plunder
D. Compensate
E. Atone
Parents expect more _____ their children?
A. with
B. of
C. from
D. to
I have been working here _______ ten years?
A. from
B. since
C. for
D. with
There is no point ____ arguing?
A. to
B. over
C. in
D. on
E. from
I have already _____ a new manager?
A. find
B. finded
C. founded
D. found
E. none
To catch a tartar means:
A. To meet with disaster
B. To catch a dangerous person
C. To deal with a person who is more than one’s match
D. None of above
To make clean breast of means
A. To gain prominence
B. To praise oneself
C. To destroy before it blooms
D. To confess without of reserves
Synonym of ” Undergo ” is _____________?
A. Lambast
B. Theive
C. Lay to rest
D. Experience
E. Proclaim
Antonym of ” Dismantle ” is _____________?
A. Vie
B. Raze
C. Outclass
D. Level
E. Build
Synonym of ” Assailant ” is _____________?
A. Jubilant
B. Turncoat
C. Assaulter
D. Reticent
E. Cop
Antonym of ” Provoke ” is _____________?
A. Arouse
B. Induce
C. Evoke
D. Allay
Fakhar Zaman appeared settled ______ the crease?
A. on
B. at
C. in
D. none
Synonym of ” Sagacious ” is _____________?
A. Spendthrift
B. Dumb
C. Wise
D. Furious
E. Alert
Antonym of ” Incur ” is ____________?
A. Attract
B. Invite
C. Earn
D. Avoid
Synonym of ” Plunder ” is _____________?
A. Loot
B. Blush
C. Expedite
D. Ease
E. Contradict
When she was younger, she __________ five kilometers a day.
A. walked
B. had walked
C. has been walking
D. had been walking
He is looking for accommodation __________ in flat or shared house.
A. both
B. until
C. neither
D. either
Tania, accompanied by her brother, __________ at the party.
A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were
The students in our school are __________ in other schools.
A. smarter
B. smarter than
C. smarter than those
D. more smarter than
The new information on dengue virus caused panic in the public and government __________.
A. like
B. likely
C. alike
D. dislike
She is standing __________ her boyfriend.
A. with
B. by
C. in
D. for
She is standing __________ her Brother.
A. with
B. by
C. in
D. for
__________ the bad weather, the outdoor party was rescheduled.
A. Because of
B. In order to
C. Despite
D. In spite of
Everyone at the party __________ amazed by his performance.
A. is
B. are
C. were
D. was
The house is large __________ is quite old-fashioned.
A. and
B. or
C. which
D. but
He has been living in Switzerland _________ two years.
A. for
B. since
C. from
D. until
On leaving the shopping plaza, Sania was robbed __________ purse.
A. by her
B. by hers
C. of her
D. of hers
The house is large __________ is quite old-fashioned.
A. and
B. or
C. which
D. but
If I have money, I __________ it tomorrow.
A. will purchase
B. would purchase
C. have purchase
D. have purchased
The departmental store is open __________ eight to seven.
A. by
B. from
C. between
D. during
Anna and Tania went shopping, but __________ couldn’t find anything __________ liked.
A. they, those
B. they, them
C. those, they
D. they, they
While Pakistan has earned record revenue this year, __________ well behind in exports.
A. it still lag
B. it still lags
C. it lag still
D. it lags still
She __________ for the upcoming tennis tournament.
A. trains
B. is training
C. will train
D. is going to train
I __________ New Zealand next year.
A. go
B. will go
C. am going
D. am going to
There are some vacant rooms __________ in flats and shared houses.
A. both
B. between
C. either
D. neither
The sun rises __________ the east.
A. in
B. on
C. from
D. towards
Nitrogen gas is in abundance __________ the Earth.
A. in
B. on
C. above
D. along
I was watching a TV program, when he __________ in.
A. walk
B. walks
C. walked
D. was walking
We are planning __________ out to dinner tonight.
A. taking our guests
B. guests to take
C. guests taking
D. to take our guests
She took lessons __________ how to swim.
A. learn
B. for learning
C. to learn
D. learning
The class teacher __________ Saba move to another chair.
A. allows
B. allowed
C. let
D. permitted
He devotes much of his time __________ for the future.
A. to planning
B. to plan
C. plan
D. planning
Antonym of ” Astute ” is _____________?
A. Shrewd
B. Discerning
C. Canny
D. Whirlwind
E. Stupid
Synonym of ” Vie ” is _____________?
A. Compete
B. Kowtow
C. Censure
D. Sanction
E. Wink
I don’t want to argue ______you?
A. at
B. to
C. of
D. with
E. from
Synonym of ” Outclass ” is _____________?
A. Surpass
B. Humiliate
C. Incur
D. Detest
E. Defect
I was aware ______ the problems parents were facing?
A. of
B. with
C. to
D. from
E. at
Synonym of ” Raze ” is _____________?
A. Level
B. Defect
C. Pluck
D. Taunt
E. Fire
She likes cars. “Car” is ______?
A. Proper Noun
B. Compound Noun
C. Common Noun
D. Concrete Noun
E. Verbal Noun
The club usually empties _____ about two in the morning?
A. off
B. at
C. in
D. out
E. on
Danish came out ____ his office, looking tired and worried.
A. with
B. from
C. at
D. of
E. to
We are sensible _____ the difficulties he faces?
A. to
B. of
C. with
D. at
E. on
Synonym of ” Lambast ” is _____________?
A. Entomb
B. Reprimand
C. Cease
D. Forbear
E. Adore
Antonym of ” Perspicacious ” is _____________?
A. Sagacious
B. Discerning
C. Astute
D. Dull
E. Canny
Synonym of ” Boulevard ” is _____________?
A. Vortex
B. Turbulence
C. Avenue
D. Whirlpool
E. Turmoil
Memon, _________ of former information minister Nisar Memon, had entered politics in 2003?
A. the daughter
B. a daughter
C. daughter
D. none
Synonym of ” prevalence ” is _________?
A. Felony
B. Transgression
C. Sabotage
D. Commonness
E. Flouting
Synonym of ” Manoeuvre ” is _________?
A. Stultify
B. Intrigue
C. Stupefy
D. Fatigue
Synonym of ” Calm ” is _________?
A. Nervous
B. Serene
C. Agitated
D. Faint
Synonym of ” Affinity ” is _________?
A. Loathe
B. Aversion
C. Antipathy
D. Sympathy
E. Blood Relationship
Synonym of ” Kowtow  ” is _________?
A. Prostrate
B. Debar
C. Nullify
D. Hoard
E. Blush